Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction Applicable Reference Standard Announced, Announcement 2023-1
The IRS has notified taxpayers of the applicable reference standard required to be used to determine the amount of the energy efficient commercial building (EECB) property deduction allowed under Code Sec. 179D as amended by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) ( P.L. 117-169). Further, the IRS has announced the existing reference standard, affirmed a new reference standard and clarified when each of the two reference standards will apply to taxpayers. The effective date of this announcement is January 1, 2023.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Reference Standard 90.1-2019 has been affirmed as the applicable Reference Standard 90.1 for purposes of calculating the annual energy and power consumption and costs with respect to the interior lighting systems, heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water systems of the reference building as follows:
- For property for which construction begins after December 31, 2022, ASHRAE 90.1-2019 will be the applicable standard for property that is placed in service after December 31, 2026.
- Taxpayers who already began or will begin construction by December 31, 2022, or who already placed property in service or will place property in service by December 31, 2026, are not subject to the updated Reference Standard 90.1-2019. For such property, the applicable Reference Standard 90.1 is Reference Standard 90.1-2007.
- Taxpayers who begin construction before January 1, 2023 may apply Reference Standard 90.1-2007 regardless of when the building is placed in service.